Sunday, November 29, 2009

Strapless Dresses for Parties

Going to a party and are confused of what to wear? Be inspired by i-Dressup! These dresses above are the best! Try them on only on

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Best Game in i-Dressup

Wow! You gotta check out this game, Miss USA 2009 Evening Gowns. All the gowns are so lovely. Rate this game 5 stars....

It's not a new game actually. But I like to play this game over and over again!

Welcome to i-Dressup Fanclub!

Hi there, Razpberrie here!

I'm so glad that I can finally make a blog for all of the i-Dressup's fans out there. This blog is actually created for i-Dressup users. So, if you don't have an account in i-Dressup, this blog is not too useful for you.

If you like, then follow my blog! Tell your friends and other i-Dressup fans about this. And if you aren't using your i-Dressup username, please tell me your i-Dressup name so I can add you there.

Much thanks,